The Glass Art of Cynthia Noel

Using the colors, patterns, textures, and luminous light found in nature for inspiration, Cindy creates unique glass pieces ranging from the functional to the sculptural. 

Dichroic Glass

The luminosity found in many of Cindy’s pieces reminiscent of bioluminescence can be attributed to dichroic glass.

Dichroic glass is created by thin films of metal deposited on glass.

Its invention is often attributed to NASA. The coated glass shields the spacecraft instruments from cosmic radiation and protects the astronauts vision from unfiltered sunlight in space.

There is evidence that dichroic glass actually dates back to the 4th century as exhibited by the Cup of Lycurgus from the Roman Era.

What is Fused Glass

Glass fusing is the joining together of pieces of glass at high temperatures using a kiln. It may take several firings to create the desired result. Functional pieces are then placed on a mold and fired again to take shape. 

The earliest fusing techniques were developed by the Roman’s and fusing was the primary method of making glass objects for 2,000 years until the development of glass blowing. 

Fusing regained popularity in the early part of the 20th century and is now considered to be a fine art.


  • Past creations.
  • Custom made projects.
  • Possible designs.

Custom Glass

  • Landscapes.
  • Sun catchers.
  • Night lights.
  • Candle holders.
  • Small to large plates.
  • Jewelry.

Glass Clay

  • Glass clay is a thick paste made from powdered glass mixed with a binder.
  • This allows for the creation of 3D glass objects that can be used for a bas relief effect as seen in this piece which features humming birds made constructed using glass clay.

“You can do anything here. The only prerequisite is that it makes you happy.”

Bob Ross